"It is with considerable difficulty that I remember the original era of my being: all the events of that period appear confused and indistinct." page 70
The creature telling his story of what he did the past two years marks another frame story. I almost forgot that Robert Walton was even a character in this book because it's been so long since he was in the story. So Walton is telling his sister a story that Victor told him and know the creature is telling Victor a story. That's pretty confusing if you word it that way. However, I think the idea of multiple frame stories is a good idea. It keeps the reader engaged in the story by offering more and more plots. Also, I like that each story has a different point of view. Up til this point, I have no idea what the creature thinks or feels. This third frame story allows me to see not only what the creature has been up to, but what he was feeling at every step on his journey which I think is really cool.
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