Wednesday, February 15, 2012

As You Like It- She's the Man

"Sil: And so am I for Phebe
Phe: And I for Ganymede.
Orl: And I for Rosalind.
Ros: And I for no woman." (V.ii.71).

I know this play is not the one that the movie She's the Man is based off of but some of the plot reminds me a lot of She's the Man. The fact that so many characters love a character who actually loves someone else. Silvius loves Phebe who loves Ganymede who is actually Rosalind who thinks she loves Orlando who loves Rosalind but doesn't know Ganymede is Rosalind. In She's the Man, Duke loves Olivia who loves Sebastian who is really Viola who loves Duke but Duke doesn't know Sebastian is Viola. Also, She's the Man is a comedy and As You Like It is a comedy. Viola pretending to be Sebastian is the main aspect of the movie and Rosalind pretending to be Ganymede is a huge portion of the play. Rosalind becoming Ganymede become problematic when Phebe falls in love with her and when Oliver almost discovers she is a woman. Viola has many problems in the play with people almost discovering she is a girl and Olivia falling in love with her. I think both of these works of fiction satirize the idea of love at first sight and falling for someone you don't really know.

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