"Some few days after this, I again obtained admission to the Tombs, and went through the corridors in quest of Bartleby, but without finding him." page 674
9. Does Bartleby have any lasting impact on the lawyer?
I think Bartleby does have a lasting impact on the lawyer. Throughout the entire story, the lawyer can not get Bartleby out of his head. He continuously has a battle within himself on what to do with Bartleby. He even thought that random people on the street were talking about Bartleby when they didn't even know him. I think the lawyer truly cared about Bartleby. Bartleby annoyed him and it was a huge inconvenience to the lawyer that Bartleby refused to do anything outside of copying. However, the lawyer still wanted to help Bartleby out. He didn't throw Bartleby on the streets and he offered to give Bartleby money if he was ever in need. That's more than anyone else offered to do for Bartleby. Also, the fact that the lawyer frequently visited the Tombs showed that he still thought about Bartleby. I think deep down the lawyer wanted to do something more for Bartleby and help him become normal but he didn't know how to go about doing that. Also, the fact that the lawyer is writing an entire story about Bartleby makes it obvious that Bartleby had a lasting impact on him.
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