Thursday, October 6, 2011

Delight in Disorder

"A careless shoestring, in whose tie
I see a wild civility"

This poem contains many oxymorons. Different articles of clothing are discussed throughout the poem. The "sweet disorder" means the speaker is praising being different and not always abiding by the rules. The "fine distractions" of the linen scarf seems to mean that the speaker encourages distractions. The final oxymoron of "wild civility" represents the poem as a whole. I think the speaker is criticizing order and everything always being perfectly in place. I think the speaker is also criticizing the perfectionists. The speaker is encouraging people to be different and they are doing this through clothing. This makes me think of people who always look at what celebrities are wearing or what the fashion magazines are saying is the latest trend instead of wearing what they like. I think this poem just emphasizes the importance of being individual and not letting other people define who you are.

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