Saturday, June 25, 2011

Tension Building-12

"Pale, wild-eyed, the Director glared about him in an agony of bewildered humiliation." (Brave New World, page 152)

The point when Bernard is about to be punished and sent away and then brings out John and Linda to the Director I feel like is the rising action of the plot. The reader can feel the situation building and is just waiting to see what the Director will say when he sees Linda and John. I knew that he would be shocked and embarrassed but I didn't know if maybe he would still feel love for Linda. I also didn't know that he would be so embarrassed that he would quit his job and never return.

This just further exemplifies what kind of society they are living in. A society that forbids emotional attachment to anyone or anything. I also feel like this point in the novel is the rising action because Bernard is beginning to experience power and popularity for the first time. All his life, he has wanted to be accepted and now he is. However, the reader can feel that something bad is going to happen. At least I know I do. 

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